
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Decontrol Infamous In France

Now that I start to look around the Web a bit more, I spot another blog giving praise to the band - here is the translation provided by Google Translate:

Now the demo "Thunk!" a British group about which I have almost no information: Decontrol. If it can help you, the jacket tells us that the group consists of Smyf, Flossy, Nick, Paul & Chris (I'm not sure that is more advanced ...), the contacts mentioned two cities in North East of England (Tyne & Wear and County Durham). Finally, the list of thanks does not enlighten me more, almost only first names, and one group name that reminds me of something: Hellkrusher.

Here, for progeny, we can forget ... I wonder what led me to buy the K7? It should probably date from a time when I was interested in everything that was stamped Hardcore English, as I was excited about the spearheads of this scene (Doom, Heresy, Ripcord, Sore Throat, Excrement of War , Vorhees, and so on ...).

Musically, we are dealing with good Punk / Hardcore, pretty good hit. The demo includes seven titles, the last is a cover of Conflict, "Increase The Pressure". Perhaps this is a track to establish a possible affiliation ...

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